Fruit Cake

Nonalcoholic Fruit Cake

Some people have a certain aversion toward fruit cake. Aside from the sweetness, some people don’t like the fact that this cake uses alcohol. In traditional holiday cake, brandy or rum is often used to add specific flavor and aroma. However, what if you don’t like (or cannot) consume alcohol? What if you want to …

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ice cream cake

Homemade Ice cream Cake with Oreos

Want to combine two best things in the world? Try making ice cream cake at home. While you can order it from the store, making it yourself gives you the freedom to experiment with ingredients. Oreos are popular cookies to mix into ice cream desserts. They are cheap, have a unique flavor, and easy to …

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banana cake

Banana Cake without Eggs

No one will dispute the delicious flavor of banana cake. The banana in its main ingredient creates soft texture and subtle sweetness. Since it is “cake”, you may expect to finding eggs in its ingredients. However, what if you are a vegan or allergic to eggs? Can you make this banana treat without using them? …

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wedding cakes

Grain-free Chocolate Wedding Cakes

Want to have a simple but memorable home wedding party? Try baking your wedding cakes to complete the event. Many people now choose to bake their cakes than spending a lot of money on wedding formalities. Unfortunately, many people with celiac disease will not be able for them today, because of all the gluten in …

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Butter Cookies

Guides to Making Perfect Butter Cookies

Butter cookies aka Dutch biscuits are one of classic delicious and crispy Christmas cookies that are quick and simple to make. You can practice making these yummy cookies to munch or gift them to your family. Not many people can make perfect cookies, especially for a beginner baker. Have you tried making butter cookies? If …

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